Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Thoughts on The PS4

Ok now first of all, I'm neutral as far as which console's better, the PS4 or the XBone. I actually am more of a PS3 gamer because I don't like —the changes to the controler— that Sony made when they released the PS4, itself. —The changes that I find problematic— are as follows:

The select button has been replaced with an, "options" button, which ruins the immersion; every time you press it, you are given an extra reminder that you're just playing a game and that you're not really a ninja or a pirate etc.  I know that most people know and should know —the difference between fantasy and reality, —but when the on-screen tutorials tell you to, 'push the, Options button to pause,' it tells your subconscious that it's just a game. In most games, the, Start button is the pause button, and the Select button is to access in-game menus. The advantage of this is the fact that —the words on the buttons, themselves— have nothing to do with their functions, so it helps to add to the illusion that you're actually a ninja or a pirate etc. With a button that says, "Options," it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the gameplay at all; it seems like a replacement for the PS button on the PS3, but less cool-sounding.

Now let's talk about the Select button or lack thereof. There's no reason to eliminate the Select button; it's usually used to bring up the map screen in open world games and the powers/upgrades menu in other games. In —superpowered sandbox games,— it works to use the Select button for —the map screen— and have —a menu in the map screen to access the powers menu— (although in Prototype and Prototype 2, the Start button was to access the map screen and the Select button was to pause, but this is a minor complaint.) But this idea works because when you access the powers menu/map, you're still not pressing the official pause button, so you still feel like you're in game, even if you're still pausing it. PS4 ports of —PS3 games that require the Start and Select button to have different functions— use a press of the touchscreen for —the Select button— and this is problematic.

So now let's talk about —the touch-screen on the controller— being used as a substitute for Select, since that also seems to be a problem. The touch screen is easy to press while you're in the middle of fast-paced button mashing combat scenarios like in Strider™. It's bad enough that it's easy for the combat to be interrupted, but if you use the touchpad for Select, and you're playing —a game where select brings up the powers menu— you could end up spending your experience points on an upgrade that you never intended to buy because you might not be able to stop yourself from button mashing by the time you realize that you've accidentally brought up —the powers menu,— itself.

Lastly, let's talk about something that isn't annoying but, like —the Start button being turned into an Options button,— makes the controller seem less like a controller and more like an impractical PC peripheral; the Share button. First of all, I think it's great that people can stream directly from their PS4; that's not the problem. The problem is that if you want to stream, there's no problem with just pressing the PS button and going to a menu item. There are much more important buttons that can be on the controller like I don't know, a Select button perhaps? I can't wait until the PS5 is just a big controller shaped touchscreen with no buttons at all!