I DON'T LIKE RACISM. With that said, if you identify yourself as, "a black person" it's different than identifying yourself as "a person who happens to be black." Here's the difference: if you identify yourself as, "a black person," it means that you think that all black people should think alike and be the same. If you identify as "a person who happens to be black," then you think that your skin color has nothing to do with your personality.
With that said, regardless of if your a "black person" or "a person who happens to be black," your skin color has nothing to do with your personality. Now if you're a person who identifies him/herself as "a black person," it means your skin color still doesn't define who you are; you're just lying to yourself and saying that it does and following a toxic Hollywood-promoted ideology.
That ideology states, that because you're african american, you have to be violent, think every white person is racist, and you have to beat up every person who says the N word ending in er, and every white person who says the N word that ends in A. It also states that not only should you get away with beating someone up, if you get put in jail for it then —everyone who thinks that you should go to jail— should be called racist. THIS IDEOLOGY IS FALSE.
If you want to take —the lyrics in gangsta rap— seriously, then you're ignorant, and if you act upon what they say on the lyrics, you deserve for everyone to be prejudice against you SOLELY for having that mentality and NO ONE SHOULD BE GUILTY FOR DESPISING YOU FOR DOING SO. Also, if you act upon that mentality, you deserve for everyone to say you're dumb, lazy, violent and interested in criminal behavior. You also deserve to be called the N word ending in er. I'll leave the watermelon and chicken out of it because it's just food.
And guess what? Unfortunately, if most black people and in fact if ANY MINORITIES decide to mostly identify themselves with —the negative stereotypes based upon them,— it makes the —entire community of people in that minority— look bad. And if you identify yourself as "a person who happens to be black," you can fix the problem by openly stating that you hate people who identify themselves as, "black people."
You should say, these people are nothing like be, these people a lowlives, these people are causing more racism by making every black person look like they're racist against whites and that they want everyone to embrace the idea that —every white person who thinks it's wrong for black people to be racist or even called racist,— should be shamed. All of this for common sense, and that makes more white people racist against black people. It's just like what happened to the image of muslims because of the news/ Thanks gangsta rap. Prove we shouldn't judge black people by their skin color by stating that they're all alike.
Also in this article I used black people as an example, but this applies to all races.