Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The non-binary pronoun that I've created

 So I think I've figured out a non-binary pronoun that does not sound like any other pronouns and does not use the spelling of any other words. It is pronounced gi, "like the word, "geese" but without the, "se" and it's spelled, "gge". And here is a conjugation table. It is based on the text on this page

Gge goes to go to the park. (notice the, "s" in the word, "goes", that's because according to my model, the words around, "gge" are conjugated like the words, "he" and "she".)

I went with ggem.

Gge brought ggeir frisbee.

At least I think it was ggeirs.

Gge likes to throw the frisbee to ggemself.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wild Divine Windows 10 Instructions

Install Quicktime from disc 2

Install 3ivx Decoder from disc 2

Follow these instructions and close the Iom Driver App

Open Quicktime Player:
Click Edit->Preferences->Quicktime Preferences->

Click the box on top, then click video preferences
Check, "Safe Mode (GDI Only)"

Close the window then close Quicktime Player

Install Wild Divine from Disc 1 using compatibility mode for Windows XP service pack 3

Do not run Wild Divine in compatibility mode

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

An explanation of the "Strawman" Concept AKA why Sovereign Citizens say they don't appear as people, but as individuals

The "Strawman" concept (not to be confused with the Strawman Fallacy) is the false idea that the government treats an individual as two people for reasons that I will go into later. It fits into the Sovereign Citizen rhetoric because it is an argument used to allege that the constitution states:
  1. The only laws that are allowed to be enforced without prior agreement between a government official and an individual are those that prevent people from infringing on each others’ property or constitutional rights.
  2. When a name is written on a birth certificate:
    1. The government does it to create an, “imaginary friend” with the same name who has the legal authority to make a contract on that individual’s behalf. This, “imaginary friend” is what the sovereign citizens call a, “strawman” and is in the government’s control.
    2. The government, by acknowledging the validity and significance of the birth certificate creates a contract between the strawman and itself:
      1. Binds the person from whose birth certificate the strawman was “formed” to a contract to follow the laws that do not infringe on the constitutional rights of others as mentioned above in section 1.

So in short, the sovereign citizens are saying that name on their birth certificate is not of them, but of a fictional character made up by the US government to unlawfully obligate them to follow rules which they (the sovereign citizens) find to be unconstitutional.  None of these claims are true and should not be acknowledged as legitimate legal defenses.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

I dream I had two nights ago with social commentary

So Ihad this dream two nights ago and I was at I think it was a bowling alley and I was told that for some reason I was going to be introduced to this guy who had blue skin and looks like a dinosaur because of some weird condition.   And I was thinking that’s pretty cool looking I want to meet this guy and tell him how awesome he looks. but it turns out that with his condition came in some kind of Autism.   So first of all when he arrives,  I can’t see his blue dinosaur skin which I thought was cool from the description and the video that I somehow was shown before I he arrived  because she was wearing some sort of make up over his skin but it didn’t make him look human it just looked like a clown make up  like he painted his face white and painted his cheeks red but didn’t paint his nose red.  Then I was informed by I don’t know what they’re called but the people that help him out because he has Autism that in order for him to feel comfortable talking to me he asked to do something to jump scare me like shit out in my ear when I’m not suspecting it.   and I said to them that I’d rather not talk to him then have him jump scare me.    And the people who were helping him and everyone else at the party all of the sudden acted like I was an asshole because I did not want to be a jump scared.   and I’m thinking that the people around me are acting a irrational because I don’t care how autistic someone is, if they have to jump scare me in order for me to have a conversation with them and I don’t want to have a conversation with them because I don’t want to be jump scared, it does not make me intolerant of autistic people like every one  thanks I am at this point.   And don’t get me wrong, I am all for acceptance of people with autism, it’s just that I don’t think  it’s reasonable for me to be labeled as intolerant just because I don’t want to be jump scared.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

My opinion on gender identity

I think that gender should only be viewed as a biological construct and as little of a social construct as possible.  For all of mankind, and even now, we our genetic gender as part of who we are.  We believe things like, 'men have to be tough and protective and women have to be kind and loving.'  These social norms should not be instilled in society as it brings about concepts of limits of socially accepted self-expression.

For example, biological women who wear dresses are less likely to be judged than men.  It is my hypothesis that this is a factor in what leads people to get SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) and hormone therapy.  It isn't because they want to be biologically different; it's because they want society to accept their form of self-expression without calling it strange.  For example, genetics does play a part in what most men and what most women usually like, but if a biological male likes the things that are usually enjoyed by females, than he has to hide his interests unless he gets SRS.  He will get SRS not because he likes the idea of mutilating his own body but because he'd rather do that than be forced to denounce his interests.

For those of you who are wondering, when I say that women and men are expected by society to enjoy different things, I am indeed talking about gender roles, which are bad.  They are bad because gender roles instill the value that people have to limit their range of interests by the type of chromosome they have.  People can't choose the type of chromosome that they have, so it's bad if we structure society so that we're expected to limit our interests based on our chromosomes because in doing so, we're limiting our interests to factors beyond our control.  Limiting people's interests as is a huge disservice to society and I think that if we didn't do limit people's interests as such, maybe people would identify themselves not by genders but by their personality, and that people would reject the idea that genetics have to determine the things that they're allowed to like.

This in turn would negate oppressive ideas like, 'if I'm genetically male and I like to stay at home and take care of my kids instead of working because I like to while my wife works and she's ok with this situation, I'm a failure' and, 'if I'm genetically female and I stay at home and take care of my kids because instead of working because I like to while my husband works and he's ok with it,' I'm a failure as a women.'  This second statement is oppressive because —while it is good that feminists have convinced society to make stay-at-home childcare a personal choice instead of a sociological and legal obligation,— it's not good for any biological female who chooses to be a stay-at-home mom to be labelled as an anti-feminism advocate.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A more detailed version of my interpretation of the TimeCube principle

So first I'll start out with an intruduction.  My name is Xaxton Techno Revolution, but not really, it's just a nickname.  About six months ago, I saw this video , a mini-documentary by a man named, "Fredrik Knudsen" about a man named Gene Ray who had some sort of theory of the Earth having 96 hours in one rotation that consisted of four 24 hour days.  It seemed non-coherent as the Earth has 24 hours in a day.  I will be referencing it so make sure you watch that video.

I never actually believed this theory.  But it did spark my interest.  Now keep in mind, I often have a lot of spare time, so during that spare time, I often visualize things in my head (I sometimes think of ideas of mechanical inventions, so I can visualize detailed concepts without having to write them down.)  So for a while, I occupied my time thinking about how it could make sense.  But I didn't get anywhere so I decided to give up on it, that was until August 1st, 2018.

On August 1st, 2018, Fredrik Knudsen made a follow-up video to his first TimeCube video , make sure you watch this too because I make a reference to this video as well.  If you go to the 52:38 mark of that video, you'll notice Knudsen saying that he (Knudsen) gets it and states that Gene is saying that the corners do not literally correspond to parts of the Earth, but rather that the sunup, midday, sundown, and midnight are metaphors that Gene Ray uses to make sense of the different races.  This could be true, but my interpretation states else wise.  In other words, if my interpretation reflects Gene Rays thoughts, Fredrik Knudsen's interpretation does not.  I bring this up because it is a key element to my interpretation.  But I'm not here to refute Knudsen, I'm here to tell my story and explain my interpretation.

When I saw that video, it caused me to come back to visualizing the TimeCube principle.  So I came out with more thoughts on it and whenever I have something to say, about a video, I have to put it in the comments section.  So I started to put the interpretation that I had back then in the comments.  But in a week, I had realized switching between theories and would correct myself and it would take up a lot of space and I thought it was rude to do that in someone else's video.  That is what inspired me to start putting my theories about it on Twitter on August 21st.  Before then, I would only use rarely use Twitter and even when I did, I would only talk about my livestreams, a little about politics, and share links to videos that I liked.

Now keep in mind, Knudsen's video has views and comments from other people who were interested in the subject of Gene Ray's madness.  And when I have something on my mind about a certain concept that's popular with the people who share my interests, I feel that I have to say it just in case it's read by someone who would care about my insights.  That is why I felt I had to type in every single thing that came to my head into Twitter as soon as possible.

As far as my fixation goes, it didn't happen overnight.  I would work on it for a while and then give up and then resume then start and then resume and after going through that cycle over and over again, I realized that I was bound to keep going back to the concept and that's when I decided to stick with it and dedicate to it as a side project.  You see, all my other side projects were on hold; I was saving up for a new 3D printer and a new laptop (I used my desktop computer to livestream and work on my timecube stuff and also used my phone to work on the timecube stuff.)  As a side note, I didn't need a new laptop but since my old one broke, I really wanted one.

You see, before my 3D printer and laptop broke, I was doing artistic 3D modelling and 3D printing and that gave me great joy and a sense of empowerment, to be able to make something from my imagination and have it actually made into a physical object automatically.  Even though I was still doing 3D modelling on my desktop (which is how I made the 3D images on my blog,) it didn't feel the same if I couldn't print it.  I'm telling you this so you know how much that hobby meant (and still means to me) and why I needed a distraction to keep my mind occupied until I could resume it.  That is most likely why I decided to start to try and make coherent sense of the TimeCube principle.

I would like to point out some more things that Fredrik Knudsen said before I get into my actual interpretation.  In Knudsen's second video, he (Knudsen) shows a clip of Gene Ray saying (to a group of students at a university lecture that he was invited to) that he (Gene Ray) believes that it's impossible for people of different races to get along with each other if they lived in the same area.  This is the first point that I will go into in my TimeCube interpretation.

I do NOT think Gene Ray was racist or advocated racism.  I think he believed in some sort of undocumented biological NON-SOCIOLOGICAL phenomenon which causes racial tension to build in physically racially diverse communities.  So long story short, Gene Ray believes that: everyone's racist against everyone else and the people who say elsewise are denying it to themselves and there's nothing that can be done about it and it's unfortunate and if they lie to themselves and try to live physically near other races, it makes the tension build up and cause violent racist incidents such as the L.A. Riots as Ray stated in his lecture.  But I DO NOT BELIEVE THE LA RIOTS WERE CAUSED BY THIS PHENOMENA; I BELIEVE THAT THEY WERE CAUSED BY VALID ANGER AT A CORRUPT CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.  However, VIOLENT PROTESTS ARE NOT THE ANSWER.

He (Ray) does state in this lecture that he believes that the LA Riots were caused by this phenomena.


To make my first axiom of my TimeCube interpretation, I will go into more detail about this phenomena, think of it this way, imagine that depending on which corner of the Earth your from (when I say, "corner of the the Earth", I mean if you were to draw four perpendicular lines on a globe from the North Pole to the South Pole,) your body emits a different frequency of radio wave.  Radio waves are between 88 and 108 Hz (if you're referring to the ones used by communication, and I will use those an example because they can travel through objects that visible light can not) but let's say they start at 0hz and go up to 20hz for the sake of simplicity.  So imagine that Blacks' bodies radiate a 5hz signal, Native Americans' bodies a 10hz signal, Whites' bodies a 15hz, and Asians' bodies a 20.  If you're not one of this races, then the frequency for your body is the same as the frequency of the race that is from the Earth's corner that your ancestry is from.  For example if you're not any of the four races, but your ancestry is from the same Earth corner as Africa, your body emits a 5hz signal because that's the same signal that Blacks' bodies emit.  Now remember this radio frequency is not part of the axiom, itself but rather an analogy to explain the axiom.

So to continue the previous analogy, the when Whites are exposed to 15hz (their own frequency), it does not affect them; if they're exposed to 20hz (Asians) or 10hz (Native Americans,) they feel mild hate, if they're exposed to 5hz (Blacks,) they feel extreme hate.  So the 1st axiom of my interpretation of TimeCube is only this hate principle.  The hate principal is that there's some phenomenon that causes hatred regardless of the way that society is structured.

The second axiom of my interpretation is pseudo-astronomical.  More specifically, it says that there are four extra suns that are perpendicular to each other orbiting the Earth.  It states that each time the Earth rotates 360° around its axis, all of the extra suns orbit 90° around their orbit.  The second axiom more specifically states that these suns orbit around the Earth in the same direction in which the Earth rotates around its axis.  This creates a 96 hour cycle, which Gene Ray wants to everyone to call a day while calling each 24 hour cycle a, "corner day" and I will explain why in the fourth axiom.

This means that if the extra suns were visible to the naked eye and you were to look at the Earth from space and you were exactly above the Geographic North Pole, you would see the Earth rotate counterclockwise (from your perspective) and you would see each extra sun orbit 90° counterclockwise each time the Earth rotated 360° counterclockwise.   But another part of this axiom is that you can't see these suns unless you have a special camera since they don't emit visible light; they emit either radio waves (like I mentioned in the last analogy,) ultraviolet light, infrared light, or an undiscovered type of light.  But remember, the second axiom only states that there are four extra suns orbiting the Earth and they do not emit visible light.

The third axiom of my interpretation is that the reason why there have been no documented cases of collisions with these supposed extra suns is because the scientific community knew about them and steered all spacecraft around these suns and also that the scientific community covered up any evidence of any non-man-made astronomical bodies (meteors, asteroids, etc.) having crashed into these suns.  This axiom does not claim that there have been any collisions between these extra suns and non-man-made astronomical bodies but rather that either: there weren't any due to coincidence, or, that there were and the scientific community denied it.  This fits into Gene Ray's claim that the scientific community is lying to you.

The fourth axiom of my interpretation is astrological based on the pseudo-astronomy mentioned in the third axiom, it also involves the corners of the Earth that were mentioned in the second axiom.

The fourth axiom states that each of the four extra suns shines only on people of one corner of the Earth.  If we go clockwise looking down at the Geographic North Pole (if we were able to see the extra suns,) the first extra sun only shines on Blacks and people from that same corner of the Earth.  The second extra sun only shines on Native Americans and people from that same corner of the Earth.  The third shines on Whites and people from that same corner of the Earth. The fourth on Asians and people from that same corner of the Earth.

The fourth axiom also states that the Earth's time zones are categorized into 4 groups, each group encompassing the timezones of all the areas in one of the aforementioned corners of the Earth.

The fourth axiom also states that this measurement of time consists of that the position of each extra sun is categorized as being in one of four positions: the midnight range, sunup range, midday range, or sundown range, which according to Gene Ray, is the same across an entire time zone group at least as far as its astrological effects.  This means that every six hours, one sun is in the midnight range, one sun is in the sunup range, one is in the midday, and the other in sundown and this is simultaneous.

The final part of the fourth axiom states that there are 4 combinations for each time zone group for how the angle at which the Earth's visible Sun shines on the Earth can match with each extra sun in a 24 hour cycle.  All of these combinations happen simultaneously across all timezone groups so it still counts as only 4 per 24 hour cycle.  That means that in a 96 hour cycle, which is how long the cycle of the visible Sun and the extra suns lasts, there are 16 different combinations of visible sun positions and since each "position" lasts 6 hours (by, "position," I mean a 90° range of positions,) we multiply the 6 hours by the 16 positions and get 96, the amount of hours it takes for all of the "positions" to take place within a single timezone group.

Update for March 14, 2021 North American time: Either the above is true or he just doesn’t understand how time zones work.

Friday, April 19, 2019

How to create the perfect gender-neutral pronoun

The magical gender neutral pronoun formula:

First you take a consonant or a word ending in a consonant.  You will be adding an E to the end of the consonant so make sure it doesn't sound like he or she if it's after any word that a singular pronoun would be after.  It also can't result in a word that's identical to a preexisting pronoun.  So for example, "Ze" doesn't work because, "is ze" sounds like, "is she."  And your consonant can't be M because if you add and E after M, you end up with, "me," which is already in use.

So we will be adding, "E" to the end of the consonant to get the nominative form.  So if we use letter, "R" as an example, our nominative pronoun is Re, the other pronounce are made by replace the th in conjugations of, "they" with our pronoun with the exception of the reflexive pronoun.  So our possessive pronoun is Reir for example.  The reflexive form is different in that after you replace the th in, "themselves" with your consonant, you take the, "ves" and replace it with an F.  So with R as our consonant, it goes like this:

Nominative: Re
Oblique: Rem
Possessive Determiner: Reir
Possessive Pronoun: Reirs
Reflexive: Remself

Now let's pick a consonant.