I think that gender should only be viewed as a biological construct and as little of a social construct as possible. For all of mankind, and even now, we our genetic gender as part of who we are. We believe things like, 'men have to be tough and protective and women have to be kind and loving.' These social norms should not be instilled in society as it brings about concepts of limits of socially accepted self-expression.
For example, biological women who wear dresses are less likely to be judged than men. It is my hypothesis that this is a factor in what leads people to get SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) and hormone therapy. It isn't because they want to be biologically different; it's because they want society to accept their form of self-expression without calling it strange. For example, genetics does play a part in what most men and what most women usually like, but if a biological male likes the things that are usually enjoyed by females, than he has to hide his interests unless he gets SRS. He will get SRS not because he likes the idea of mutilating his own body but because he'd rather do that than be forced to denounce his interests.
For those of you who are wondering, when I say that women and men are expected by society to enjoy different things, I am indeed talking about gender roles, which are bad. They are bad because gender roles instill the value that people have to limit their range of interests by the type of chromosome they have. People can't choose the type of chromosome that they have, so it's bad if we structure society so that we're expected to limit our interests based on our chromosomes because in doing so, we're limiting our interests to factors beyond our control. Limiting people's interests as is a huge disservice to society and I think that if we didn't do limit people's interests as such, maybe people would identify themselves not by genders but by their personality, and that people would reject the idea that genetics have to determine the things that they're allowed to like.
This in turn would negate oppressive ideas like, 'if I'm genetically male and I like to stay at home and take care of my kids instead of working because I like to while my wife works and she's ok with this situation, I'm a failure' and, 'if I'm genetically female and I stay at home and take care of my kids because instead of working because I like to while my husband works and he's ok with it,' I'm a failure as a women.' This second statement is oppressive because —while it is good that feminists have convinced society to make stay-at-home childcare a personal choice instead of a sociological and legal obligation,— it's not good for any biological female who chooses to be a stay-at-home mom to be labelled as an anti-feminism advocate.
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