Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shut up with your annoying, gluten free crap.

I'd like to talk about Gluten, one time I was at a store, (I can't remember the name of the store, but it's irrelevant) I wasn't buying anything there, but I was with one of my friends who was buying something there or something.  Anyway, there was this woman with this hyperactive kid and she's telling the cashier (who probably started to get a headache after ten seconds of hearing this woman just like many naysayers of mine are probably getting right now) about how her child ISN'T hyperactive because she has her kid on no sugar and no gluten and no starches.  Now I personally think these kids should just get neurofeedback therapy and should only be on special diets if they heed to be for their stomachs not to hurt.  Now for all of you who are reading this and thinking that it's none of my business how parents raise their kids, you're right, it isn't.  She can believe that crap, and teach her kid to believe that crap, and tell the whole world to believe that crap, I don't care, but I find it annoying and this is how I vent my frustration.

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