Monday, April 15, 2019

Simplest TimeCube Explanation

My hypothesis is that Gene Ray:

wants the definition of the word, "day" to mean a 96 hour period of time. I think he believes there are four extra suns orbiting around the Earth (either perpendicular in orbit around Earth’s axis or in a parallel orbit to Earth’s orbit around the sun) in a 96 hour period and they are perpendicular to each other and you can't see them unless you have a special camera and they cause some sort of racial astrology. So when Gene Ray says "a day," he means what sane people call 4 days and he wants everyone to change the definition of the word, "day." And what we now call a day, he wants that to be called a "corner day."  Also these suns orbit around the Earth in the same direction that Earth rotates around its axis, so if you looked at the Earth from a satellite above the North Pole, you would see the Earth turn counterclockwise in a 24 hour cycle and if you could see the extra suns, you would see the suns orbit counterclockwise in a 96 hour cycle.

Also the whole, "belly button" thing according to my hypothesis:

is an attempt to disprove Christianity and Judaism. I think he is saying that if mankind was made in God's image (as the Bible would be interpreted if we were to interpret Genesis 1:26 as meaning "God's image" when it says, "our image" when it says, "Let us make man in our image"), then it would be impossible for people to have belly buttons unless God had a belly button. The only way that God could've had a belly button is if he was formed in a womb. The only way that God could've been formed in a womb is if another entity existed before him and that God was made as a result of that entity being pregnant with him (God). If another entity existed before God, God would not be the first thing to come into existence like the Bible says.

To be fair, if that was a rock solid argument (which it is not), it would disprove part of the Bible. But even then, it would still not disprove Christianity or Judaism because to disprove either or both of those, you would have to disprove the entire Old Testament and maybe even the New Testament as well. To disprove one part of the Bible does not disprove all of it.

P.S. If the orbit of these extra suns was parallel to the Earth’s orbit around the sun (meaning not slanted on an axis like the axis that the Earth rotates around every 24 hours,) it could explain the idea of four simultaneous seasons.

Update 2/9/2020 North American Time: I have come to the conclusion that there is a grain of truth to the belly button thing;  Adam & Eve were not created in wombs with umbilical cords and therefore they did not have belly buttons and therefore any depiction of them with a belly button is inaccurate. Source:

Update for March 14, 2021 North American Time: Either the above is true or he just doesn’t understand how time zones work.

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