First of all, if you like clowns, that's fine with me, but —what makes a clown a clown— is not —an amount of talent, superior to that of types of performers that get less recognition,— but —the fact that they dress and act like complete whack jobs.—
Granted, —the ones that juggle and do magic and ride unicycles— are entertaining, but they're only entertaining because —magic, juggling, and the ability to ride a unicycle— are entertaining (and the latter two activities require —skill, practice and talent that deserves recognition)— without dressing and acting like —a prostitute who put on her make up while she was high on crack.—
Now you can't juggle or ride a unicycle without being afraid people will think you're a clown or training to become one. Both of those things require —skill, practice, and talent that deserve recognition,— but you can't do any of them without looking like —an untalented comedian who puts all of his efforts into looking and acting like a complete moron,— who makes people feel scared or and/or awkward to be around because of —his/her uncanny valleyish attire and strange mannerisms.— And yes, I act like a complete moron on my video game streams, but I don't want most people to think —all video game streams— are like mine.
That would be like if —everyone learning how play a video game— felt like everyone assumed that they were practicing to be like me. Also if you like my streams, that's fine and I appreciate your patronage.
So in conclusion, clowns do not deserve any more recognition than other children's entertainers.
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