Friday, September 25, 2015

The Drug “Plague”

The Drug “Plague”

OK, now this rant is mainly about the way that drugs are talked about, not the politics of it all. Now whenever recreational drugs are talked about by nanny state advocates, they always say that when there's a lot of drug dealing going on, there's a "drug plague.”  No matter how much drug dealing is going on, it's not a plague.  To be fair, according to the dictionary, it can be called a plague, but when it (the word, "Plague") used in said context, the word is being used subjectively in manner that makes it sound like it's being used objectively.  Objectively speaking, a plague is when there's a disease going around. A plague is when bugs are swarming around infecting people. A plague is NOT when there are drugs around.

I'm not saying that it's good for there to be drugs around, but you could be in a big store room filled with millions of syringes of black tar heroin (or any drug for that manor,) I guarantee you that you're not gonna get addicted unless you actually inject your self.  This is because the drugs are not gonna sprout wings and swarm like mosquitoes; that would be fucking weird.

Drug dealers are not magical sorcerers who enchant drug packets so that they animate and force you to use them so that you get hooked. They also don't fire the drugs at you in darts so that you become addicted; they're just people who ask you if you want drugs and if you say yes, they'll sell it to you, and then after you become addicted, they might sell it to you from more money.  I'm not saying they're good, I'm not saying they're bad, I'm not saying they're honest, I'm not saying they're dishonest; the point is that they are not gonna force you to take the drugs.

The worse thing they're gonna do is nag you to try it like a telemarketer.  And when you say no to the drug dealers, you should be polite, because it they're working in the black market, then you have no guarantee that they have any remorse for killing you for being rude to them.  You should just say, "no thinks."  I was offered dope once, and I just said, "no thanks," and that was it, the guy didn't nag me, I didn't have to be rude to him (nor would I want to) and I didn't end up doing drugs.

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