So a lot of people think that the middle east is a cultural wasteland. While it is true that most of the US oil does NOT come from there, it still sustains itself from oil that it gives to other countries and those countries include —countries that the US does business with.— So when you do business with —a country that buys oil from the middle east,— you're indirectly buying from the middle east.
The problem with this is that oil is an industry that not everyone can harvest, it can only be harvested by —people who are lucky enough to live on land that it's coming out of.— The oil industry does NOT reward people for their effort, but for their luck, and just by luck —the people with the most influence are the people with the must luck and not necessarily the best morality.—
Oil should NOT be the main export of the middle east because that means that everyone can constantly be at war with each other instead of —suffering financial consequences as a result of civil unrest on a national scale.— In short, the middle east needs to be rich not from oil, but from —a business venture that requires unity amongst itself.—
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