Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to input extended ASCII characters like ¿ and ñ on a Windows PC

Ok, sometimes you might need to put —letters or punctuation marks that are not on your keyboard— onto your document.  In fact, that last sentence had one; an em dash, but you may be wondering, "how do I enter them into my documents?"  I'll tell you how to do it on a Windows PC.

First, look up the ascii code on the web, or if you're in a pinch, you can use the character map app on your PC if you have Windows.

In this example we will be entering an upside-down question mark (¿;) the ASCII code for this is 168, (you can also use 0191, but we will be using 168.)  You can find a complete list of ASCII codes at (I am not affiliated with this website.)  Once you find the ASCII code, you want to make sure that your num lock is on (unless your keyboard is like the keyboard in figure 2. below.)  If your keyboard is like Figure 2. below, then hold the Fn key until step 5.  When you enter the numbers make sure you use the number keys on the right side of the keyboard (see image below.)

Figure 1.

If your keyboard is like the below keyboard, just hold in the Fn throughout the whole process key and use the keys indicated in the below image.

Figure 2.

Then do the following:
  1. Start to hold in the ALT key, do not release it until step 5.
  2. Press and release the 1 key on —the set of numbers right side of your keyboard, (see pictures above.)—
  3. Press and release press and release the 6 key on the aforementioned set of keys.
  4. Press and release the 8 key on the aforementioned set of keys.
  5. Release the ALT key (also release the Fn key if you've been holding it down) and your character will appear.
Thank you for reading this tutorial, if you enjoyed it, found it confusing, or just have anything to say about it please post a comment in —the comments section of this blog.—

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