Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ratchet & Clank Movie Review

Ok, now that I've gotten that paradox stuff out of the way, time to talk about the movie, itself. I'll keep it short and simple. The action is good, and —the references that only Playstation gamers will get— are very entertaining. The only drawback is its humor. It's not any better than your average Pixar movie, but those movies don't have good humor in the first place.

One of the things I like the most about the movie is how Captain Qwark actually grows as a character instead of being narcissistic the entire story. Also, through his entire character arc, he's never a coward who runs from battles while making excuses. That joke never worked in the games and I'm glad this idea hardly makes its way into the big screen. There's also a joke where Dr. Nefarious is introduced by Chairman Drek as a, “mad scientist,” to which he replies, “Mad implies cognitive impairment; I'm more of a vengeful scientist.”

Overall it's a great movie and I have no idea why anyone would want to bash it.

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